Zebra Jasper | Stone Information, Healing Properties, Uses All Entries

Zebra Jasper is an opaque chalcedony with a unique black and white speckling pattern, it can also form with a warm brick red hue. Zebra Jasper is found in volcanic regions across the world but the largest mines are in Africa, Russia and India. This specific type of Jasper formed over 600 million years ago and is a 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This stone has a trigonal crystal structure, is opaque and polishes beautifully. Zebra Jasper holds the energy of balance, uniting the energies of the feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang. Zebra is a very calming and nurturing stone. This type of Jasper is known to be associated with the Root chakra, balancing and removing all blockages in that zone.
Often confused and used interchangeably with “Picasso Jasper”, Zebra Jasper is actually a different pattern entirely, even sometimes forming with red hues unlike Picasso Jasper. Typically, Picasso Jasper has more intricate patterns, includes “waves”, “swirls”, aka banding, while Zebra Jasper has “splotches” of black. Picasso Jasper also is typically variations of gray to black, while Zebra Jasper carries bright white hues with black splotches.